Trust in decades of experiences
of our HMP - engineers in the development and manufacturing of test equipment.
HMP - that ist high precision, best quality, and perfect service.
Convince yourself!
BaSt - certified since ′2004
More than 25 years of advancement and manufacturing at HMP using state-of-the-art technology guarantee best possible reliability and accuracy of the device. Since August, 16th, 2004 the company is also authorised calibration institute for the Light Drop-Weight Tester acc. to TP BF-StB part 8.3.
BaSt - Federal Highway Research Institute
Successful recertification 01/2021
Authorised calibration institute according to German Technical Test Specification for Soil and Rock in Road Construction TP BF-StB for the Light and Medium Weight Deflectometer
TÜV - certified since ′1999
acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 for the management system
Distinguished by the exceptional quality management at the company HMP and the associated quality assurance and process optimization.