Tester for soil mechanics
Shortly you can find here information about testers for soil mechanics from our product spectrum:
- Automatic Proctor compactor
- Proctor devices, manual
- CBR - tester, CBR - Form
- Static Load Plate Tester HMP PDG
- Dynamic Load Plate Tester HMP LFG
- Soil densitometer
- Soil sampling device
- Lightweight dynamic penetrometer
- Pneumatic-operated lightweight penetrometer with automatic evaluation unit HMP SON-P
- Mechanic penetrometer, with automatic evaluation unit HMP SON-M, fold away
- Ramming core probe
- Hydraulically traction equipment, electric hammer
- Laboratory mixer
- Devices to determine Atterberg limits
- Penetrometer with drop bar control
- Pocket Penetrometer
- Sand equivalent tester
- Devices for hydrometer analysis
- Enslin device according to Neff
- Calcimeter according to Scheibler
- Device for impact fork test
- Air pyknometer
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