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Measurement result

HMP PDGpro - display measurment results Static Plate Load Test

After storing the last load stage, the result is shown in the display.

By scrolling you get the curve and GPS data as well as the individual measured data.

You are able to

HMP LFGpro Menüführung Symbol - Speichernsave,HMP LFGpro Menüführung Symbol - Verwerfenreject the measuring result,

print out the saved test serieHMP LFGpro Menüführung Symbol - Drucker

and you can have a look at the GPS- and curve data. Therefore please choose the corresponding option by means of the arrow keys, and then confirm it by pressing the [Enter] key.

Measured data

HMP PDGpro - display Measured data memory, select a measurement serie

The individual plate load tests are clearly stored in the memory. Select the single measurements and scroll through their details, such as curve and GPS data.

HMP PDGpro - display measurement result, print and have a look at the GPS and curve data


HMP PDGpro - printout - print immediately on site or at the construction site

Document the measuring result directly on site by means of the thermal printer.

The printout comprises the following data:

start and end of measurement, GPS position of measuring point, loading stages, tension an settlement, load settlement lines, the Ev1 and the Ev2 value, as well as their ratio

View printer printout here

HMPproplat - evaluation software for Static Plate Loast Tests

You would like to create professional test protocols additionally? No problem!

Transfer your measured data onto an USB stick or via cable directly to your PC for archiving and further processing.

Use the evaluation software HMPproplat in order to create professional protocols for the measurements on PC. Add your logo, your contact details and comments.
The software also enables you to store the data in a database with comfortable search and editing capabilities.

HMPproplat > Protocol

HMP PDG - Static Plate Load Test - test regulations, Standards DIN 18134, ASTM D1195/1196, RStO 01, BS1377-9, TDOK 2014:014

The HMP LFG complies with the standards for its usage according to German and International regulations.

Detailed correlations to other test methods ensure the compatibility.

The goal - maximum quality and efficiency for building activities

roadworks - fast compaction testing, HMP LFG, compaction

Static plate load test - advantages, evaluation, compaction, quality assurance, load-bearing capacity

The goal - maximum quality and economic efficiency of construction projects

The efficiency of a building activity depends essentially on its duration. 
Quality and efficiency of building activities can be improved by means of quality control with suitable testing methods.

Result > Lower costs with reliable quality

Time factor

By using a fast and precise in situ solution, immediately at the site a decision about further actions can be taken.

In case that the measured values meet the requirements, the works can be continued. 

And if the requirements are not fulfilled, it is immediately possible to introduce measures for improvement.


Conventional laboratory procedures are very time-consuming and because of their low quantity they only have a spot-check character. 

By means of a rapid test method in situ, within a very short time a lot of tests can be made. And as a result a comprehensive quality assurance at the site is possible. 

Extensive correlations ensure the comparability with the laboratory procedures.

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