DIN 18134 issue 2012-04
Soil; testing procedures and testing equipment – Plate load test
RStO 01
Directives for standardisation of the superstructure of traffic areas
The HMP PDG complies with the Standards for application according to German and international test regulations. Comprehensive correlations with other test methods ensure compatibility.
USA ASTM D1195/1196
Standard Test Method for Repetitive/Nonrepetitive Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, for Use in Evaluation and Design of Airport and Highway Pavements
Great Britain BS1377-9
Methods for test for soils for civil engineering purposes – In-situ tests
Switzerland SN 670317
Soils - Plate load test EV/ME
SN 670312
VSS-Equipment for plate load test EV/ME
Austria ÖNORM B4417
Geotechnical engineering; Exploration of soils; Plate load test
Italy CNR BU 146/92
Prove di carico con piastra, Il modulo di compressibilità Md, M’d
France NF P94-117-1
reconnaissance et essais - Portance des plates-formes - Partie 1 : module sous chargement statique à la plaque (EV2)
Sweden TDOK 2014:0141 Version 1.0
Bestämning av bärighetsegenskaper med statisk plattbelastning
Norway R211 Feltundersøkelser
Metode 2.2.4 Platebelastning